GOALS! I know you have probably read a ton of different articles on goals and know all about SMART goals. That’s great! Here’s a little refresher.


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timed
Let’s dig a little deeper into SMART goals and really make your goals a reality!

Tip 1- Write Down Your Goals

Yeah sure, you can think of a goal in your mind and tell yourself you’re going to accomplish it, but writing them out on paper gives you something solid to be able to look at and hold yourself accountable for. Get yourself a cute journal or stationary and some fun new colorful pens to make it more interesting. I know I’m always a little more motivated when I have some fun new colors to work with!

Tip 2- Imagine The End Point

Yeah sure, you can think of a goal in your mind and tell yourself you’re going to accomplish it, but writing them out on paper gives you something solid to be able to look at and hold yourself accountable for. Get yourself a cute journal or stationary and some fun new colorful pens to make it more interesting. I know I’m always a little more motivated when I have some fun new colors to work with!

Tip 3- Post Your Goals

I know you’re thinking…Wait, I already wrote them down for you! Great! But are they just sitting in a notebook some where you will
never see them? That’s not helpful. Post them where you will see them everyday! Better yet, post them where others can see them so they can help keep you accountable.

For those of you who are crafty or like things to look pretty, here’s another reason for you to head to Target or Hobby Lobby! While you’re getting that new stationary, make a fun goal board!

Tip 4- Break Up Your Goals

Let’s go back to losing weight as our example. Let’s say you want to lose 20 pounds….that’s great but how are you going to do that? For every larger goal you have, break it down into smaller action steps you can take to make your goals a reality. This makes the goal less daunting and more attainable. I like to break my goals up into weekly and daily action steps. Check out the example below!

To lose 20 pounds, I need to:
• Weekly

1. Workout 5 days for 30-60 minutes

2. Be more active in daily life
3. Eat healthy meals

• Daily

4. Monday- Zumba Tuesday- Weight training Wednesday-Stretch/yoga Thursday- Rest Friday- Cycling Saturday- HIIT Training Class

5. Breakfast- Eggs with fruit and whole wheat toast Lunch- salad with chicken Supper- salmon and vegetables
6. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
7. Park in the back end of the parking lot to add extra steps.

Tip 5- Have a Goal Buddy
What the heck is a goal buddy? Just what it sounds like! Have somebody that you can tell your goals to and have them help keep you on track. Making goals is awesome, but what’s making you stick to your action steps to achieve your goals? Some people have awesome will power and may not need a buddy. That’s AHH mazing! But most of us need someone to kick us in the rear every now and then to keep us going.

Your buddy can be a friend, spouse, or a fitness coach like me. I love to post my goals online so that everyone following can know if I do or don’t achieve my goals. It really pushes you to do your best! Not sure you want all your friends seeing your goals and whether or not you accomplished them? Find a group or page on Facebook where you can post your goals.

Go make it happen!

There you have it. My tips to help you make your dreams a reality. Now what are you going to do with this information? I hope you’re going to take it and run! Setting and achieving goals helps to build confidence and makes you feel like a freaking rockstar! So go do awesome things and PLEASE! Tell us all about them!

By- Kerry Johnsen